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The number of scientific electronic publications is increasing in Turkmenistan


President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a business meeting with the participation of Vice-Premier T. Atahallyev and governors of provinces. The work carried out in the country's agricultural complex and regions, the implementation of the National Rural Program were discussed. In particular, special attention was paid to preparations for the cotton picking season, which will be launched on September 11. The Turkmen leader instructed to re-check the complete preparation of cotton receiving points, mills, harvesters and trucks used for transporting cotton for the season in order to ensure harvesting without loss. This is stated in the message of TDH. As mentioned, the mayors of the working council gave reports on the state of seasonal agricultural work in the provinces. According to reports, preparations for the cotton harvest are currently in the final stages. In the provinces, cotton gins, mills, cotton harvesters, and trucks for transporting cotton have been fully prepared for the season. Wheat planting is organized in agricultural fields, and appropriate measures are taken to spend this important season in accordance with the requirements of agrotechnics. Efforts are underway to fully supply wheat producers with high-quality seeds. Maintenance works are carried out in the fields planted with autumn crops, vegetables and other crops. The governors are preparing for the cultural and mass events to be held in the provinces on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the country's independence. In accordance with the program of socio-economic development of the country of the President of Turkmenistan in 2022-2028, the national program of the village, cultural-life, industrial purposes are planned to be opened in the provinces this year. They also reported on the progress of construction work on the facilities. After listening to the reports, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov named high-quality, organized implementation of wheat planting and cotton harvesting among the priorities and gave specific instructions to the governors in this regard. The Turkmen leader instructed the khyakims to monitor the completion of construction works on various purpose-built facilities that are planned to be opened and put into use in the provinces this year. During the business meeting, Vice-Premier T. Atahalliev reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work in the country. The report also stated that winter food crops are being cared for in the provinces, rice fields are being cared for in Dashoguz and Lebap provinces, sugar beet fields in Mary province are being treated with row treatment, feeding with mineral fertilizers, and water retention. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov pointed out the important role of the agricultural sector in the national economy and emphasized the need for highly organized seasonal agricultural work and instructed the vice-premier to monitor the work in this field. Then the Turkmen leader addressed the participants of the business meeting and pointed out that the important season in the agricultural sector of the country - wheat sowing is going on, and noted that getting a rich harvest of wheat, thus strengthening the country's food security, and increasing the prosperity of the people depends to a large extent on the timely and high quality of the sowing season. . The President of Turkmenistan instructed to strictly monitor wheat planting in the provinces for the next year's crop in terms of agro-technical terms, to achieve full operation of planters and other equipment used in planting. Along with this, it was said that the season of cotton harvest has arrived, and it was ordered to check the preparation for the harvest in the provinces, to check the preparation of the cotton receiving mills, scales, harvesters and cars for the season. The Turkmen leader noted that the timely and high-quality implementation of these works will ensure the harvesting of the hard-earned harvest without loss, and the successful implementation of reforms in the sector. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov instructed the provinces to strictly monitor the activities planned in the Rural National Program, to pay special attention to the delivery time and quality of the facilities to be built under the program.