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The first container train from India was successfully transported to Uzbekistan via Turkmenistan


"Transport-Logistics Center of Turkmenistan" AGPJ (TULM) successfully organized the shipment of the first container train from India to Uzbekistan. The first stage of the train consisting of 20 TEU containers with ceramic tiles was successfully sent from Bender-Abbas port to Chukursai (Uzbekistan) railway station on the Saras route. This was done on December 22, 2023 in the city of Istanbul, based on the agreement reached between the agency "Turkmendemiryollary" and "Uzbekiston Railways" economic society. At that meeting, the parties discussed speeding up the passage of container trains through Turkmenistan to the territory of Uzbekistan and back, as well as the introduction of special tariffs for the transportation of containers across the territory of the parties.