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The President of Turkmenistan took a bicycle tour in the national tourist zone "Avaza".


The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who is on work leave, took a bicycle tour today in the Avaza national tourist zone located on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Today, in Turkmenistan, special importance is attached to establishing a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, program measures are implemented to protect people's health, ensure the harmonious development of the young generation, and create conditions for citizens to have a comfortable rest during the period of work leave. All of these are priority tasks in the life-oriented policy that is being successfully implemented under the leadership of the President. At the heart of this policy is our Hero Friend's "State is for people!" is the main principle. In the morning, the Turkmen leader came to the seaside. At this time of the summer day, a pleasant climate is created in the Avaza National Tourist Zone. This is possible due to the fresh wind blowing from the sea and the artificial river "Avaza", green parks and forest zones create cool air. In recent years, the scope of such zones has been significantly expanded. These measures also contributed to the further improvement of the ecological condition of the coastal region. Cycling on the beach at sunrise has a positive effect on health through physical activity, strengthens the body and gives it strength. The bicycle is recognized as an environmentally friendly vehicle. With the successful implementation of the initiative of our hero to encourage people to engage in cycling and popularize this type of sport, mass cycling rallies are regularly organized in Turkmenistan on the occasion of important dates. On the proposal of Turkmenistan, the UN General Assembly declared June 3 as "World Bicycle Day". This festival is widely celebrated every year. This clearly shows that the initiatives of our country are of great importance to the world community. It should also be noted that in March 2022, the UN General Assembly adopted the Resolution "Introduction of public cycling in public transport systems to achieve sustainable development" at the proposal of Turkmenistan. All of these are concrete examples of the international community's recognition of the country's great contribution to the development of physical education and sports activities, the improvement of ecological culture in society, and the achievement of the goals of sustainable development at the national, regional and global levels. In addition, it should be noted that in 2018 and 2019, the "Longest Mass Training Course", "The Longest Single Discipline Bicycle Race" held in Ashgabat was entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Cycling is important in promoting physical activity and promoting healthy lifestyles. Favorable weather conditions and appropriate infrastructure in the country allow cycling competitions and trainings to be held almost throughout the year. Bicycle rallies are one of the most popular types of socially significant events held in many countries around the world to support various life, sports, and ecological projects. Based on the close support of the President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, this type of sport is actively developed in the country, and efforts are made to increase the number of supporters of mass cycling rallies among the population. ...During the cycling trip, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan visited the world-class tourist zone located on the shores of the Caspian Sea. The presence of a pleasant climate and a modern resort-recreation system offering high-level services has increased the popularity of the national tourist zone "Avaza". Physical education, sports, active recreation, including cycling, motivate people to great achievements and give strength for new initiatives. Such excursions allow you to combine relaxation with active physical activity. As scientific studies confirm, on the basis of normal body weight when riding a bicycle, a person's endurance, work efficiency increases, body joints and muscles, and the nervous system are strengthened. Cycling, cycling helps regulate blood pressure, reduce the risk of cardiovascular and other diseases. Cycling improves the body's metabolism, increases its resistance to diseases, and relieves long-term fatigue. Regular leg movements prevent blood clots in the veins. This is an effective training for coordination of movements and allows concentration. As a doctor, our National Leader, who attaches great importance to healthy lifestyles, has proved by his personal example that such trips are of great benefit. At the same time, organizing bicycle rallies in the country has become a noble tradition. The holding of bicycle marches started by our hero Arkadag is currently gaining a wider scope under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Currently, large-scale activities are being carried out to ensure ecological well-being in Turkmenistan, to implement the National Forest Program, to preserve and study the unique flora and fauna of the country, and the biodiversity of the Caspian Sea. Cycling sports and the use of the bicycle as a means of transportation are of great importance in solving the problems facing this field. This has a positive effect on the environment on a long-term basis, and promotes the deep penetration of ecological principles into social life.