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Caring for people is the main goal of a life-oriented state policy


The National Leader of the Turkmen People, the Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan, Honorable Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov visited the resort "Archman" during his working leave, and the business manager of the Divan of the People's Council of Turkmenistan, who was on vacation there, was the vice president of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Fund for Supporting Children in Need. - President R. Bazarov and was interested in the progress of preparations for the regular meeting of the People's Council, important dates in the life of the country. Our Doctor Friend toured the eco-climatic resort with his backpack and backpack. Every day of the year of "Magtymguly Magtymguly Pyragy, the Ocean of Wisdom" is devoted to events of historical significance for our country. At the state level, great importance is attached to the strengthening of democratic principles, the protection of human rights, and the comprehensive improvement of civil society. R. Bazarov, Vice-President of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charity Fund for Supporting Children in Need of the People's Maslahat of Turkmenistan, Manager of the Diwan of the People's Maslahat of Turkmenistan, said that it was a great honor for him to have the chance to meet with our Heroic Friend, and he reported on the preparations for the regular meeting of the People's Maslahat. gave Also, the international forum on the breeding of agricultural crops, the international conference "Interconnection of eras and cultures - the foundation of the modern world and development", which is planned to be held within the framework of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy, the World Turkmen Humanitarian Association, which will be held on the occasion of the Independence Day It was said about the preparations for the regular conference, the Day of Healthcare and Medicine Industry Workers. Our national leader emphasized the importance of the meeting of the People's Consultative Assembly based on the experience of the Turkmen people in managing the country throughout the long history and the positive principles of the present day. In accordance with the President's instructions, ensuring the high organizational level of the next national forum and the successful implementation of the decisions to be adopted were identified as important tasks. Continuing the conversation about this, our hero instructed to attach importance to the organization of the international conference dedicated to the breeding of agricultural crops, which will be held in Ashgabat in September of this year, together with the leaders and experts of the structures related to the agro-industrial complex of the country. This is important in learning the experience of the developed world in the field of agriculture, and in exchanging experience on modern technologies. Noting that the international conference "Interconnection of eras and cultures - the foundation of the modern world and development", which will be held within the 300th anniversary of the birth of the sage poet, recognized as one of the significant dates of the year "Ocean of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy", should be approached on a comprehensive basis. Our national leader emphasized that the national art and creative potential of the people should be reflected in the events organized in honor of the famous personality of the Turkmen people. Currently, it is implemented under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Turkey and "The State is for the people!" Stating that concern for human health and his happy life plays an important role in the state policy based on the slogan, Dr. Friend gave instructions on the high level of preparations for the events planned on the occasion of the Day of Healthcare and Medical Industry Workers. Speaking about the conference of the World Turkmen Humanitarian Association, the Chairman of the People's Council Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that it should contribute to the continuous strengthening of relations established with our compatriots living in different countries of the world. Noting that the noble principles that were started by our Heroic Archduke in the context of such humanitarian activities, and which are being worthily continued by the President of the Republic of Turkey, R. Bazarov expressed his gratitude to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan for giving him valuable advice on the celebration of historical events of historical importance in the life of the country, and for the successful implementation of the tasks ahead. He assured that he will not spare his efforts together with the representatives of the relevant bodies. Noting that the work of the People's Consultative Assembly of Turkmenistan is historically, politically and socially significant, our honorable friend emphasized that, along with these works, the organization of other activities is an important requirement. As noted, today, the leadership of the country and many of our colleagues are spending their labor leave in sanatoriums and recreation centers on the Caspian coast and in the provinces. Speaking about this, R. Bazarov expressed his happiness to our Heroic Friend and the President of the Republic of Turkmenistan for the creation of all the necessary conditions for a comfortable rest. Today, the opportunities created for the comprehensive harmonious development of young generations in the country, for them to become modern educated and educated, and to reveal their abilities, are giving their positive results. The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished success in fulfilling the tasks set before him. * * * He read poems from the new book, which is a collection of works of our Heroic Friend Magtymguly Pyragy, who pays special attention to artistic creativity, including the world classic works of Magtymguly Pyragy, the thinker and poet of the Turkmen people. Noting that Dana Pyragy's intellectual creativity creates spirituality in every person, our scientist friend said that the poems of the poet are valuable for people of all ages, and it is important to study his works comprehensively. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan took a tour of the territory of the resort with his horse and his bag. Our Heroic Friend was interested in their education and passion for learning foreign languages. This is a clear expression of the fact that the noble principles of the father-child school are being developed in accordance with the spirit of today. Noting that a walk on the territory of "Archman" has a positive effect on people, especially children, our doctor emphasized that walking in a modern park is an important condition for health. The creation of green zones and modern parks in this corner, combined with the natural features of these places and the mountain air, creates a pleasant climate. This is one of the main conditions for those recovering and receiving treatment at the spa.