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The President of Turkmenistan held a business meeting through a digital network


On September 2, the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a business conference through the digital network with the participation of the Vice Premier of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev and governors of the provinces. In it, issues related to the progress of seasonal work in the agricultural complex and regions of the country were considered. First of all, the governor of Ahal Velayat S.Soltanmyradov was promised. He reported on the state of seasonal agricultural work in the province. On behalf of the people of the province, expressing their immense happiness to the President of Turkmenistan for the construction of a 1,200-seat modern high school and a 120-seat dormitory in Bokurdak town of Ak Bugda Etrap of the province, on the occasion of the Education and Student Youth Day, the President of the Turkmen State wished good health, long life, He wished from the bottom of his heart that the country's advantageous work would always be fed with prosperity. As mentioned, preparations are currently being made at a high organizational level for wheat planting and cotton harvesting in the province. Cotton ginning enterprises, mills, harvesters and harvesters are being fully prepared for the season. In the fields where wheat will be planted for the next year's harvest, plowing and leveling works are carried out in accordance with the rules of agrotechnics. All planting tools and agricultural machinery to be used in planting have been prepared, and the necessary wheat seed preparation is currently underway. The mayor also reported on the progress of the construction of cultural-life and industrial facilities planned to be opened in the province in accordance with the "Program of socio-economic development of the country of the President of Turkmenistan in 2022-2028" on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the independence of the motherland. After listening to the report, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan noted that it is necessary to organize the responsible season - wheat planting and cotton harvesting - and gave specific instructions to the governor in this regard. In addition, the Turkmen leader instructed to monitor the implementation of construction works on various purpose-built facilities in the province, which are planned to be opened and put into use, within the specified time frame. The Governor of Balkan Velayat H. Ashirmyradov reported on the seasonal agricultural work in the Velayat. As noted in the report, preparations are currently being made for the start of wheat planting and the organized cotton harvesting season in the province. During the cotton harvesting season, appropriate preparations are made for the smooth and efficient operation of cotton gins, mills, cotton harvesters, and other machinery. Threshing and leveling works are being carried out in the fields to be planted with wheat. Cultivators and other agricultural machinery to be used in planting are being prepared, and work is ongoing to provide grain farmers with high-quality seeds. In addition, the mayor gave a report on the construction works of the cultural-life and industrial facilities planned to be opened in the province on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the country's independence. Listening to the report, the President pointed out that the important season in agriculture has come, and noting that all necessary measures should be taken to complete the wheat sowing in a short period of time, to harvest the cotton crop without loss, he gave specific instructions to the governor in this regard. The Turkmen leader stressed the importance of successful implementation of the tasks envisaged in the programs aimed at socio-economic development of the country and instructed to control the construction works on the facilities planned to be put into operation in the province this year on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of independence. The business conference held through the digital network continued with the report of the governor of Dashoguz Velayat D. Babaev on the progress of seasonal agricultural work. As mentioned, preparations for the organized start of wheat planting and cotton harvesting in the region are being carried out on a planned basis. In order to collect the cultivated cotton crop without loss and receive it without interruption, cotton ginning plants, receiving mills, used cars were prepared for the season. Necessary measures are being taken to fully prepare the harvesters for cotton harvesting. Threshing, leveling, water harvesting in the wheat fields of the region continue in accordance with the requirements of agrotechnics. Agricultural machinery and tools to be used in planting are fully prepared for the season, and work is being carried out to provide grain farmers with high-quality wheat seeds. Care and feeding with mineral fertilizers are carried out in rice fields. The mayor also reported on the progress of construction works on cultural-life and industrial facilities, which are planned to be opened in the province on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of independence of the country. Listening to the report, the President emphasized the importance of a responsible approach to the tasks ahead of wheat planting and cotton harvesting and gave several instructions to the governor in this regard. In addition, the Turkmen leader instructed to monitor the high-quality and timely execution of construction works in the facilities planned to be opened in the province on the occasion of the Independence Day. Mayor of Lebap Velayat M. Annanepesov, on behalf of the people of the province, expressed his immense happiness to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the construction of 960 and 400-seat schools in Khojambaz city of Khojambaz etrap and in Alpan village of Sayat etrap's mayor's council, respectively, on behalf of the people of the province. He wished our Sardar good health, long life, and prosperity in his noble work. Then the governor gave a report on the ongoing seasonal agricultural work in the province. As noted in the report, preparations are being made to begin planting wheat and harvesting cotton. In the fields to be planted with wheat, threshing, leveling, threshing, spraying, washing and water harvesting are carried out. In order to carry out high-quality planting of wheat in accordance with the norms of agrotechnics, agricultural machinery and tools used in planting are prepared for the season, and wheat producers are provided with a sufficient amount of high-quality seeds. Adequate maintenance work is ongoing in paddy fields. As part of the preparation for the beginning of the cotton harvest, the cotton ginning enterprises, receiving mills in the province are fully prepared for the season, and the necessary measures are being taken to prepare the harvesters and cars to be used in the harvest. In addition, the mayor reported on the progress of construction works on cultural-life and industrial facilities planned to be opened this year in the province in accordance with the "Social and Economic Development Program of the President of Turkmenistan in 2022-2028", Rural National Program. Commenting on the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that preparations for wheat planting and cotton harvesting should be made at a high level, and he gave instructions to the governor in this regard. In addition, the Turkmen leader instructed to monitor the timely implementation of construction works on various purpose-built facilities planned to be put into operation in the province this year in accordance with the programs aimed at socio-economic development of the country and improvement of living standards of the people. Mayor of Mary Velayat B. Orazov reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work. First of all, on behalf of the residents of the province, the governor expressed his immense gratitude to the Turkmen leader for building a 500-seat general education school and a 160-seat kindergarten in Saryyazy village of Tagtabazar etrap, which was opened for use in the city of Mary on the day of education and students. , he wished that the country would continue to benefit from his intensive work. Then the mayor continued his report and said that the necessary preparations are being made to carry out the planned activities on the beginning of wheat planting and cotton harvesting in the province at a high organizational level. Appropriate work is being done to prepare cotton gins, receiving factories, harvesters, and vehicles for the season. In order to prepare the wheat fields for the planting season, plowing, leveling, and fertilization of the soil with mineral fertilizers are being carried out. Care work continues in the sugar beet fields of the province. In addition, the mayor reported on the state of construction works on cultural-life and industrial facilities, which are planned to be opened for use in the province in accordance with the program of socio-economic development of the country, the national program of the village, on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the independence of the Motherland. Commenting on the report, the Turkmen leader emphasized the importance of preparatory work on carrying out wheat sowing in agrotechnical terms, harvesting the cotton crop, and gave several specific instructions to the governor in this regard. Also, the President of the Republic of Turkmenistan instructed to monitor the execution of works in various purpose-built facilities in the province in accordance with the Program of socio-economic development of the country within the specified time and with high quality. Then Vice Premier T. Atahalliyev reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work in the country. As mentioned, with the blessing of the President, on September 4 of this year, preparations are being made to start planting wheat in the provinces with the participation of the honored elders. Appropriate measures are being taken to start cotton collection. Seasonal preparation of cotton ginning enterprises, cotton receiving mills, harvesters, cars used in cotton transportation, and other agricultural machinery is being carried out. In order to grow a rich harvest of wheat in the country next year, plowing, leveling, threshing and weeding are ongoing in the fields where wheat will be sown by our grain farmers who are effectively using the opportunities created by the Turkmen leader. In Dashoguz and Lebap provinces, maintenance work is carried out in the rice fields, in the sugar beet fields in Mary province, row treatment, feeding with mineral fertilizers, and water harvesting are carried out. Listening to the report, the President drew attention to the important tasks facing the agricultural sector and instructed the Vice-Premier to monitor the preparation for wheat planting and cotton harvesting at the highest organizational level. Addressing the participants of the business meeting, the Turkmen leader said that all necessary measures should be taken for the wheat planting and cotton harvesting seasons to be organized in a highly organized manner. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Serdar Berdimuhamedov concluded the business conference held through the digital network and wished the participants success in their work.