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Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan


On September 13, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers through the digital network. Several important issues of state life were included in its agenda. First, the Speaker of the Mejlis, D. Gulmanova, made a speech and gave information about the ongoing work on improving the national legislation. As mentioned, in order to strengthen the legal basis of the large-scale reforms currently taking place in the country, amendments and additions are made to a number of legislative acts, in particular, to the laws on strengthening civil-law relations, administrative violations, taxes, and motor vehicles. . Preparations for the meeting of the People's Maslahat, which will be held in honor of the 33rd anniversary of the independence of the Motherland, were also discussed. The work in this field is carried out together with the People's Consultative Assembly of Turkmenistan, the Cabinet of Ministers, relevant ministries and departmental management bodies, municipal authorities, public organizations. A meeting was held with the head of the Department of Regional Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth and Development of Great Britain within the framework of strengthening effective relations with foreign parliaments and international organizations. Meetings of deputies of the parliament with representatives of the constituent entities of the United Nations were organized. The head of the parliament also said that the deputies explain the state policy and the meaning of the adopted laws to the people, participate in propaganda activities about the history, political and social importance of the People's Consultative Assembly, speak in the mass media about the achievements in various fields of the country's life during the 33 years of independence. he said. President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the need to ensure that new draft laws are perfect and modern. The Turkmen leader said that the laws should show the effective policy of the state, should create conditions for further improvement of the welfare of the people, and emphasized the importance of continuing to explain their importance to the public. Deputy Prime Minister H. Geldimyradov reported on the results of the investment forum held in Ashgabat on September 10-11, the international conference on attracting high technologies and innovations to the economy of Turkmenistan, and parallel exhibitions. As noted, the investment forum was attended by representatives of 44 countries, including 22 international organizations, foreign state agencies and companies, diplomatic missions working in Turkmenistan. According to the program, within the framework of the forum, 3 general sessions on economy, transport-communication, oil and gas, energy issues, 7 sessions on important areas of the economy, and 4 consultations at the "round table" were held within the framework of the forum. In their speeches, the representatives of the Turkmen side spoke in detail about the investment opportunities in the sectors of the national economy, the projects to be implemented, the created favorable investment environment, the legal, financial and economic conditions created for investors in accordance with international practice. Speaking at the forum, foreign experts, leaders of large international organizations and companies noted that the international reputation of the state is increasing and it is committed to international obligations. The representatives of the forum participated in the opening ceremony of major investment projects between Turkmenistan and Afghanistan in the fields of oil and gas, energy, transport-logistics, and communications, and launching construction works through the digital network. A total of 9 agreements, 5 agreements, and 8 contracts were signed between the relevant ministries, departmental management institutions and enterprises of the country and their foreign colleagues within the framework of the investment forum. More than 80 meetings were organized with representatives of international organizations, financial institutions, government agencies and companies of foreign countries. During them, they discussed the possibilities of establishing and developing cooperation in various sectors of the economy, the directions of mutually advantageous relations. 28 ministries, departmental management agencies, 58 local private parties, 28 foreign companies from 14 states participated in the international conference and exhibition on attracting high technologies and innovations to the economy of Turkmenistan held in the International Science and Technology Park of the Academy of Sciences. As part of the conference, a ceremony was held to sum up the results of the competition "Hi-Tech Startup Turkmenistan - 2024". Commenting on the report, the President noted that the investment forum held in the capital of the country created positive conditions for strengthening the economic cooperation of the state with the countries of the world, establishing new business relations, and getting acquainted with the investment opportunities of the country. In this regard, the Vice-Premier was instructed to effectively continue the work in the field of implementation of investment projects in the country and further development of international cooperation in this field. Vice Premier of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Amanov reported on the work being done to identify and develop areas rich in hydrocarbon resources in the country, and to modernize the material and equipment base of the industry. As mentioned, the provision of a set of 3D geophysical equipment controlled by a digital system and able to work in different conditions of the state corporation "Turkmengeology" will allow Turkmen geologists to detect areas rich in hydrocarbon resources and obtain accurate information. In this regard, a relevant proposal on strengthening the material and equipment base of the industry was submitted to the consideration of the Turkmen leader. Commenting on the report, the President emphasized the need to increase the pace of work on discovering underground resources, increasing the base of hydrocarbon raw materials, strengthening the material and technical base of the industry, and continuing to provide the necessary equipment. In this regard, the Turkmen leader supported the proposal to introduce a set of 3D geophysical equipment to the state corporation "Turkmengeologiya" and instructed the vice-premier to carry out relevant work in this field. Vice Premier T. Atahalliyev reported on the progress of seasonal agricultural work in the country. As mentioned, wheat planting in the provinces is carried out in accordance with the norms of agrotechnics. During the planting season, appropriate measures are taken to provide producers with high-quality seeds and to efficiently operate agricultural machinery. With the blessing of the Turkmen leader, cotton harvesting has been started in the country, and today this work is going on in an organized manner. Necessary work is carried out in order to receive the organized harvest in the factories, cotton gins, and efficiently operate the vehicles used in the transportation of the crop. In the livestock farms of the country's provinces, work is being carried out on breeding agricultural animals, increasing their number, increasing productivity, creating reserves of fodder for livestock, increasing the number of Akhalteke horses, breeding them, and preserving seed purity. In addition, improvement of water supply of agricultural fields and land reclamation, strengthening of river banks for efficient use of water resources, irrigation, and cleaning of salt water channels are being continued. Listening to the report, the President emphasized the importance of taking appropriate measures to carry out wheat sowing in the provinces on time and in a timely manner, to provide grain farmers with high-quality seeds, to use the equipment used in planting at full capacity, and instructed to carry out organizational work on harvesting the cultivated cotton crop without loss. Also, the Vice-Premier informed about preparations for holding the meeting of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Issues of the Commonwealth of Independent States on September 16 of this year, and the international scientific conference on September 19-20 "Achieved achievements in the breeding of agricultural crops and future tasks". reported. As mentioned, the participation of the Deputy Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the members of the Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Issues, the specialists engaged in the breeding of agricultural crops and working in other fields of the agricultural industry, scientists, representatives of the companies, in relation to the meeting of the council and the international scientific consultation. scheduled. Commenting on the report, the Turkmen leader emphasized the importance of introducing world experience to the agricultural sector and developing international cooperation in this field, as well as the meeting of the CIS Intergovernmental Coordinating Council on Seed Issues, the international scientific conference entitled "Achieved achievements in the breeding of agricultural crops and future tasks". instructed to conduct at the highest organizational level. Vice Premier of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Annamammedov reported on the activities carried out in the capital in preparation for the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan's independence, which is widely celebrated in the year "Ocean of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy", and the meeting of the People's Council. As mentioned, on the eve of our main holiday, the necessary measures are being taken to make Ashgabat peaceful, to create more favorable conditions for residents and guests of Ashgabat to have a cultural holiday, and to hold festive events at a high level of organization. In this regard, works on the repair of buildings for cultural and life purposes, beautification of adjacent areas, parks, gardens, water wells, and planting of decorative flowers are being carried out regularly. Special importance is attached to the festive decoration of the city. It is also planned to hold the opening ceremonies of 4 54-house, 9-story, 9 36-house, 9-story residential buildings and a park in the "Parahat-7" residential complex of Ashgabat. Along with this, comprehensive preparations are being made for the meeting of the People's Council of Turkmenistan, a historical event of great importance in the life of the country. Commenting on the report, the President pointed out that it is important to organize festive events on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the independence of Ashgabat, as well as prepare for the meeting of the People's Council of Turkmenistan at a high level. The Turkmen leader instructed the vice-premier to continue the work on the decoration and beautification of the capital. Vice Premier B. Atdayev reported on the measures taken to organize the exhibition of the economic achievements of the country on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of Turkmenistan's independence. As stated, the inspection is planned to be held near the Karagum hotel in the capital. Its opening ceremony will be held on September 19. The exhibition will reflect the reforms carried out in different directions in the country during the Revival of the new epoch of the Stable State under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, and the achievements achieved during the years of independence. Within the framework of the forum, state and private enterprises will have the opportunity to introduce new products, future development programs, and investment projects. It is also planned to organize skill classes on folk arts such as carpet weaving, pottery making, etc. Commenting on the report, the President emphasized the importance of high-level preparation for the exhibition of economic achievements of the country, which is being held on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of our independence. In this regard, the Turkmen leader instructed the vice-premier to ensure a wide display of the reforms implemented in our country and the works that reflect the achieved achievements at the exhibition. Vice Premier of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova reported on creative contests announced on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy. In order to thoroughly study the rich literary heritage of our great poet, to encourage young people engaged in artistic creation, to create love for the noble principles of patriotism, unity, halal, humanitarianism promoted in the works of our great poet, the competition for receiving the award of the President of Turkmenistan entitled "Altyn Asyri of Turkmenistan" A competition called "Magtymguly Pyragy Ocean of Wisdom" was announced among creative youth. On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy and the 33rd anniversary of our independence, the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan, the State Committee for Television, Radio Communications and Cinematography together with relevant public organizations held several creative contests among young writers, playwrights, artists, musicians and librarians. . Their results were summed up and there was a ceremony to award prizes to the winners. On September 28 of this year, there will be a ceremony of summarizing the results of a number of contests announced on the occasion of significant dates in the exhibition hall of the State Academy of Arts. As mentioned, the holding of these events is a great opportunity to widely promote the literary heritage of the great poet and thinker of the East, Magtymguly Pyragy, to inspire young creators to new achievements, and to raise our national literature and culture to higher levels. Commenting on the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that large-scale activities are being carried out at the international level in honor of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy's birth, and that these activities contribute to raising the poet's honor even more, promoting his literary heritage widely, and thoroughly studying it. In this regard, the vice-premier was instructed to prepare well for the creative contests to be held on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Pyragy and the 33rd anniversary of our holy Independence and to hold them at a high level. Vice Premier B. Orazdurdyyeva reported on preparations for holding international Olympiads and scientific-practical conferences in higher educational institutions of the country. As it was mentioned, during the Revival of the new era of the stable state, educational institutions equipped with the latest achievements of science are being built and put into operation, and program work on training excellent specialists is being implemented. Positive experience was gained in conducting international scientific conferences, exhibitions, contests, and Olympiads, which help to expand the scope of international cooperation in the field of science and education. In order to implement the tasks defined in the "Strategy of international cooperation of the youth of Turkmenistan for 2023-2030", as well as in the concepts adopted for the education system, the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan organized the conference "Agro-innovations: the key to sustainable development" at the Turkmen Agricultural Institute on October 16-17. the international scientific-project competition through the digital system called "way"; Open International Internet Olympiad on the course "International Standards of Financial Reporting" at the Turkmen State Financial Institute on November 1; On November 6, at the Turkmen Agricultural University named after SA Niyazov, "Sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex"; On November 13, at the International University of Oil and Gas named after Kakayev, Yagshageldi held international scientific-practical conferences through the digital network called "Futures of innovative technologies of chemistry and gas chemistry"; On November 15, at the Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management, the Open International Internet Olympiad on the subject of finance, and on November 29, an international scientific-practical conference through a digital network called "Sustainable development of the economy: international experience and future directions of development"; On November 18-20, International Internet Olympiads on philosophy and economics courses will be held at the International University of Humanities and Development on November 21-23; On November 20, the III International Internet Olympiad in biology at the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryev; On November 25-30, it is planned to hold the III International Olympiad in chemistry at the Magtymguly Turkmen State University. As mentioned, along with students, professors and scientists of higher educational institutions of the country, the Russian Federation, the People's Republic of China, the United States, the Republic of Korea, the United Arab Emirates, Austria, Germany, Belarus, Students and scientists of prestigious higher education institutions from Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and dozens of other countries are expected to participate. It is planned to reward the talented students who won international level intellectual competitions with medals and diplomas of different levels. Commenting on the report, the President noted that the program works on modernization of the education system and training of qualified specialists are being implemented in the country. The Turkmen leader said that international scientific conferences, exhibitions, and olympiads contribute to the development of cooperation in the field of science and education. instructed to carry out the work. Vice Premier of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on the work being done to develop international cooperation in the digital system of Turkmenistan. In this regard, several proposals were presented to the Turkmen leader. It is proposed to prepare a plan of actions aimed at bringing the country's legislative base into line with modern norms of international law. In this regard, it is planned to study the possibilities of Turkmenistan's accession to the accepted conventions on digitalization, to regularly conduct relevant trainings and consultations with partner international organizations in order to improve our national legislation in accordance with international documents. In November of this year, it is proposed to hold an interregional dialogue on the development of digital cooperation in Ashgabat. This event will provide an opportunity to look at the new opportunities of cooperation between the states of the region and between companies and our country in the mentioned field, exchange experience, and introduce the world community to the work being carried out in Turkmenistan. In the course of the report, it was proposed to prepare a program for cooperation with the technologically advanced countries of the world in 2025-2027 in ensuring the cyber security of the digital system. In this regard, it is planned to regularly conduct relevant activities on ensuring cyber security abroad, information technology protection, and sharing the experience of the country by state experts in this field. It is proposed to further strengthen the ongoing work on the protection of the digital network in cooperation with the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Directorate. Therefore, in 2024-2025, the active participation of the country in the activities and projects carried out by this specialized UN body in the areas of prevention of cyber-terrorism on the Internet and protection of important infrastructures from cyber-attacks is considered appropriate. It is proposed to develop cooperation with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in the areas of cyber security, government and banking services, as well as digitalization of the economy, increasing the literacy of national experts in the use of digital financial systems. In order to further strengthen cooperation with this organization in the mentioned areas, it is planned to study the implementation of various regional projects, to conduct regular professional development trainings. Commenting on the report, the President noted that the digital system is widely implemented in the modernization of economic sectors in the country. According to the demand of time, the types of services are improved and increased. In this regard, the Turkmen leader said that it is necessary to constantly study international practice in order to conduct work in this field in accordance with world standards, and he gave several specific instructions to the vice-premier and the minister of foreign affairs. Then M. Chakyev, CEO of the Transport and Communications Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers, reported on the ongoing work to improve the professional level of specialists in the civil aviation industry. As mentioned, it is proposed to organize the training of the International Civil Aviation Organization on the basis of the School of Air Transport Personnel Training of the "Turkmenhovoyalary" Agency. In addition, it is planned to organize practical training in order to increase the cargo turnover of international airports of the country, to effectively use the capacity of cargo warehouses, and to increase the number of international cargo flights. In this regard, the head of the agency presented a proposal for consideration by the Turkmen leader. Commenting on the report, the President noted that the country's civil aviation industry has been developing more and more in recent years, new aircraft are being purchased regularly, modern conditions are being created at airports, and this requires the training of international level specialists. The Turkmen leader supported the proposal to hold trainings to improve the professional level and increase the experience of specialists in the civil aviation industry and instructed the head of the agency to carry out relevant work in this field. Addressing the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Honorable President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the "Socio-economic Development and Investment Program of Turkmenistan in 2024" was adopted in the year "Ocean of Wisdom Magtymguly Pyragy". Within the framework of the program, a number of activities aimed at socio-economic development of our country are being carried out. The Turkmen leader said that the Turkmen investment forum was recently held in the capital, and he emphasized the importance of analyzing the results of the forum and preparing reports for attracting investments in all areas. The President instructed the members of the Government to hold a briefing-type international conference at a high organizational level, which will summarize the results and specific recommendations of this international forum, and will describe the historical significance of the ceremonies of launching and laying the foundations of important facilities. At the same time, the Turkmen leader gave relevant instructions regarding the preparation of a scientifically based training manual based on the results of the investment forum of Turkmenistan. This will be a valuable guide for teachers and students in economic higher education institutions of the country. Then the Vice-Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov said that the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan, Hryman Arkadag, the large-scale work initiated by the President of Turkmenistan to create a favorable investment environment in the country is being successfully implemented. The broad representation of the recently held investment forum in the capital, as well as the agreements reached within it, is a clear testimony of this. By successfully hosting this important forum, Turkmenistan has once again shown that it is a reliable partner in the world. At the same time, the important importance of the ceremonies dedicated to the commissioning and construction of new energy, transport-communication, logistics facilities on the Turkmen-Afghan border was highlighted. These projects are a clear example of cooperation based on good neighborly traditions. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Vice-Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of the participants of the assembly, congratulated President Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on these important events and wished them good health, long life, and success in their noble initiatives. . The Turkmen leader emphasized the success of the international investment forum and emphasized the importance of the negotiations and agreements reached within it. The President of Turkmenistan said that the launching and laying of foundations of important facilities that will serve the common interests of the peoples of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan with the participation of our Heroic Friend is a clear manifestation of the successful implementation of the foreign policy of the country based on the principles of good neighborliness. Several other important issues related to state life were considered in the parliament and relevant decisions were made. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov concluded the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers held via the digital network and wished the participants good health, family well-being, and great success in their work for the prosperity of the Motherland.