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The President of Turkmenistan received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany


On July 24, the President of the Republic of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov received the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Turkmenistan, Bernd Heinz. Expressing his gratitude for taking the time to meet and for the opportunity to discuss the current state and future of intergovernmental cooperation, the diplomat presented the credentials to the Turkmen leader and the President of the Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Federal Chancellor Olaf Schols to the President of the Republic of Turkmenistan, the Turkmen people. He conveyed his heartfelt greetings to the National Leader and his wishes for happiness and prosperity for all Turkmen people. The President warmly greeted the ambassador in the hospitable Turkmen land, expressed his greetings and best wishes to the leaders of the friendly country, congratulated Mr. Bernd Heinz on his appointment to a responsible position and wished him great success in his high diplomatic mission related to the further development of friendly relations between our countries. he dreamed. As noted, the Federal Republic of Germany is one of Turkmenistan's important partners in the European region. Currently, the two countries are cooperating effectively in all areas, especially in the political-diplomatic, trade-economic, cultural-humanitarian spheres. Emphasizing the positive nature of political-diplomatic relations, the Turkmen leader expressed his satisfaction that Turkmenistan and Germany are developing successful cooperation not only bilaterally, but also multilaterally. This is clearly evidenced by the mutual support provided to each other within the framework of the prestigious international organizations, in particular, the United Nations and its structures. This support primarily refers to international initiatives aimed at ensuring peace, prosperity, and sustainable development in the world. In recent years, cooperation has been successfully developed within the framework of the "Central Asia - Germany" dialogue. Negotiations conducted in this way facilitate effective exchange of views on issues of mutual interest. Trade and economic cooperation is another priority direction of bilateral relations. In this regard, industry, agriculture, banking, transport and communication systems were among the most promising areas. The Turkmen leader emphasized the fruitful nature of cooperation within the borders of the Eastern Committee of the German Economy, and emphasized the contribution of the companies of the FRG to the development of the country's economy over many years. The Turkmen-German relations in the field of health care, which have been carried out for many years, can be shown as an example of effective cooperation. As it is known, there are several exchange programs for exchanging experience with specialists of friendly countries, improving the professional level of Turkmen doctors, and studying the advanced European medical experience. During the positive conversation, it was noted that cultural-humanitarian relations play an important role in strengthening interstate cooperation, bringing people closer and mutually enriching cultures, and it was noted that for the benefit of two friendly peoples, it is necessary to hold mutual Culture Days, exchange experience in the field of museum work, and further promote cooperation in the field of education. President Serdar Berdimuhamedov once again congratulated Bernd Heinz as the head of the diplomatic mission of the Federal Republic of Germany in Turkmenistan, and expressed his readiness to fully support him in further strengthening the effective intergovernmental dialogue. Expressing gratitude for the kind words, the diplomat assured that he will make every effort to comprehensively develop the traditional friendly relations, and will continue the chosen direction towards the activation of Turkmen-German cooperation in the interest of the two countries and their peoples. *** His Majesty, President of Turkmenistan Mr. Serdar BERDIMUHAMEDOVA Mr. President! I have decided to appoint Mr. Bernd Heinz as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Republic of Germany to Turkmenistan. His personal qualities and abilities make us confident that he will fulfill the task entrusted to him in a worthy manner. I ask Your Highness to accept it kindly and to give me full confidence in all the statements I will make on my behalf, on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you success, prosperity and prosperity for Turkmenistan. Frank-Walter Steinmeier President of the Federal Republic of Germany.