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Speech of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov at the opening ceremony of the Balkan - Dashoguz high-voltage power line and new power stations


Dear citizens! Dear participants! Today, in Dashoguz Velayat, we are participating in the opening ceremony of the high-voltage overhead transmission line and power stations on the Balkan-Daşoguz route in order to integrate the integrated energy system operating in the country. Today, modern residential buildings built in Dashoguz city will be inaugurated in a ceremonial manner. We will also give 200 new passenger buses as a gift, which will provide high-quality service to the people of the province. Dear citizens! Dear participants! I heartily congratulate all of you on these happy occasions. Dear citizens! Dear participants! In accordance with the country's energy policy, work on reliable and uninterrupted supply of domestic consumers with electric energy, diversification of Turkmen electric energy to foreign consumers, creation of new energy capacities, improvement of technical conditions of distribution systems, integration of the existing unified national energy system into the public sector. is being conducted. The intensive work started by our esteemed friend in the field of electric power industry is being continued on a large scale today. "Revival of a new era of a stable state: the National Program of socio-economic development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052", as well as the program of socio-economic development of our country in 2022-2028, work on the development of the energy sector is being successfully carried out. In accordance with the programs, it is planned to transfer the power stations operating in the country to the compatible circuit, and to build new power stations operating in the compatible circuit. Currently, the construction of a combined cycle power plant with a capacity of 1574 megawatts is underway in the Turkmenbashi etrap of the Balkan Velayat. In order to increase the volume and routes of Turkmen energy exports to foreign countries, the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan electricity pipeline project is being successfully implemented. The infrastructure of the electric power industry is being strengthened according to the requirements of the time. Modern technologies are introduced into the production, and the volume of electric power is continuously increased. The commissioning of the Energy Equipment Repair and Service Center in Buzmein district of Ashgabat city also provides a great opportunity for uninterrupted operation of power plants. Dear people! The country also pays great attention to the production of renewable energy sources. Currently, the construction of a multi-purpose solar and wind power station in Balkan Velayat is being completed. This will allow new, modern villages being built in the region to be provided with ecologically clean electricity. Work on the creation of renewable energy sources in our independent land will be continued on a large scale in the future. Dear people! In order to distribute the country's energy resources among the regions, to achieve the normal operation of electric transmission lines, the task of creating a ring system was put forward, and effective work was carried out in this area. Thanks to the tireless work of Turkmen energy developers, the first stage of this project, the Ahal-Balkan section, was implemented in 2021. The second stage of the project, the Mary-Ahal section, was put into operation in 2023. In the year "Magtymguly Pyragy, the Ocean of Wisdom", the third stage of this project, the construction of the Balkan-Daşoguz section was completed and put into use. At this stage, the "Balkan" and "Dashoguz" power stations, each with a power of 500 kilovolts, were built. The implementation of the project to integrate the energy system in the country is a great event in the history of the energy industry of independent Turkmenistan. With the successful implementation of this project, a unified ring energy system was formed in our country. This will make it possible to supply domestic consumers with electricity without interruption, and to send electricity from different parts of the country to foreign countries. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the hardworking Turkmen energy builders for the successful implementation of this important project. Dear people! Dear participants! Constantly improving the standard of living of our people is one of the main tasks. Program work is being carried out in this area. Modern residential buildings and facilities with all amenities are open and ready for use. In Dashoguz City of Dashoguz Velayat, all conditions are created for our citizens to live comfortably in the newly built residential buildings. In the future, we will successfully continue our program work to improve the standard of living of our people. Dear citizens! Dear participants! You will be presented with the commissioning of the high-voltage overhead power line and new power stations on the Balkan-Daşoguz route, in this regard, the ring connection of the unified energy system operating in the country, the opening of a new residential complex, as well as the gift of modern passenger buses. Congratulations once again. I wish you all good health, family well-being, and great success in your endeavors.