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Meeting of the State Security Council of Turkmenistan


On September 4, the President of Turkmenistan, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, Army General Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the State Security Council. In it, the results of the work performed by the military and law enforcement agencies in January-August of this year were considered. Issues related to ensuring security and peace in independent Turkmenistan, strengthening the material base of military and law enforcement agencies, and further improving their work were also included in the agenda. First of all, Secretary of the State Security Council, Minister of Defense B. Gundogdiev reported on the activities carried out in the units of the National Army since the beginning of this year, on the implementation of the President's instructions on strengthening the defense capability of the country. Also, the measures taken to improve the work of the units he leads in accordance with the requirements of the time, to create favorable conditions for the service and life of military personnel, the successful completion of entrance exams in specialized training schools of military and law enforcement agencies, a military ceremony on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the independence of the Motherland. He said that preparations are being made for the march. The Secretary of the State Security Council, the Minister of Defense recently announced that the opening ceremony of the 1st Specialized Military School named after Berdimuhamet Annayev of the Ministry of Defense was held in the presence of the President of Turkmenistan, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, General Serdar Berdimuhamedov. In the new complex, all conditions have been created for the formation of the young generation of National Guardsmen, development of their talents, improvement of various military professional skills, effective study, comfortable life of military students, useful leisure time, physical education and sports. Listening to the report, the President stressed that the military doctrine, which has a defensive nature and is successfully implemented, acts as a reliable guarantee of peace and peaceful life in Turkmenistan. The Turkmen leader defined the improvement of the work of the structures under the ministry, the modernization of the material and equipment base of all units of the army as the main tasks of the reforms being carried out in the military system. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, Belent, drew attention to the solemn military parade to be held on the occasion of the independence day of the country, and instructed the Secretary of the State Security Council to ensure that it was held at a high level. It was also instructed to carry out the necessary work to improve the professional level of the commanders and educate the soldiers who are passing the military service in the spirit of boundless love for our Motherland. Prosecutor General B. Muhamedov reported on the results of the eight months of this year, the measures taken to control the implementation of legislation in ministries and departmental administrative offices. The implementation of the digital system and the implementation of the corresponding development program were also discussed. Commenting on the report, the President emphasized the importance of strengthening legality and legal order, protecting citizens' rights and freedoms in our stable country. The Commander of the Armed Forces of the country, Belent, said that it is necessary to timely detect and prevent violations related to the observance of regulatory laws, and gave several specific instructions to the Prosecutor General. The Minister of Internal Affairs, M. Khydyrov, reported on the results of the work of the departments he leads during the reporting period, on the measures taken to introduce digital technologies and advanced practices to the institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to prevent violations, and to ensure fire safety in all regions of the country. It was also said that the campaign under the motto "Road traffic safety - the comfort of our life" has started, within the framework of which the planned measures to regulate the traffic of vehicles in the capital and provinces, to increase the awareness of pedestrians and drivers about the rules of traffic. Commenting on the report, the Turkmen leader pointed out the importance of maintaining law and order and preventing violations of law. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Belent, as usual, emphasized the importance of the "Road traffic safety - peace of our lives" event, which is held in September before the start of the new school year, and instructed to ensure the high level of organization of all the activities planned within it. The President of the Republic of Armenia gave relevant instructions to the head of the IIM, emphasizing that specific measures should be taken to improve the quality of work on fire safety and compliance with traffic rules. Chairman of the Supreme Court B. Khojamgulyev reported on the results of the work carried out in January-August of this year, including the improvement of the court system through the active introduction of digital technologies. It was also mentioned about the measures taken to improve the professional level of employees and implement the tasks set in the judicial system development program. Commenting on the report, the Turkmen leader stressed that one of the main functions of this body is to ensure legality, fairness and legal order. This includes all systems of legal regulation. In this regard, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan said that it is necessary to regularly organize trainings to improve the professional level of judges and gave specific instructions to the head of the Supreme Court. During the meeting, the Turkmen leader signed the Decree "On the appointment and dismissal of judges of the courts of Turkmenistan, as well as granting them professional degrees". Then the Minister of National Security N. Atagarayev reported on the results of the eight months of this year, the comprehensive measures being implemented to protect the state interests and to fulfill the instructions of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country. Commenting on the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the need to intensify the work on introducing modern methods of work and digital technologies, studying the best practices of the world in the relevant field. In addition, the Turkmen leader instructed the Ministry of National Security to ensure timely and timely implementation of the priority tasks of the development program. Then the head of the State Border Service Y. Nuriev reported on the measures taken since the beginning of this year to ensure the protection of the borders of the Motherland, to strengthen the material and equipment base of the border troops, and to improve the level of theoretical and combat training of military personnel. Commenting on the report, the Turkmen leader said that ensuring peace on the country's borders should be based on the principles of the state's legal status of neutrality. Emphasizing the importance of strengthening the material and equipment base of the border troops, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan gave several instructions to the head of the service to ensure the safe protection of the state border. Minister of Justice M. Taganov reported on the work done in January-August of this year, in particular, the results of the work on bringing the national legislation into line with the requirements of the time, the implementation of the digital system in the structural institutions, and the measures taken to explain the goals of the adopted laws to the citizens. Listening to the report, the President noted that comprehensive strengthening of the legal framework is one of the important tasks of today. In this regard, the minister was instructed to take an active part in the work on the preparation of projects of normative legal acts carried out within the framework of improving the legislation of the country. The head of the State Customs Service, M. Khudukuliyev, reported on the results of the work carried out during the reporting period, the measures taken to successfully solve the tasks arising from the infrastructure development program, and the implementation of the President's instructions. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country, Belent, listened to the report, noted that the necessary work should be carried out to ensure proper formalization of the goods brought into the territory of the country at customs checkpoints, and gave several specific instructions to the head of the service. The head of the State Migration Service, A. Sazakov, reported on the results of the work done since the beginning of the year, on the measures taken to effectively solve the important tasks facing the agency. Listening to the report, the President emphasized the need to constantly improve the work of all the service's departments. In order to successfully fulfill the tasks assigned to the service, it is necessary to combine the positive experience of the world and the main principles of the national legislation, said the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Belent and instructed to use advanced information technologies more actively in the work. Convening the meeting, the Turkmen leader noted that in accordance with the Military doctrine of defense of the Motherland, effective measures are being taken to ensure the security and integrity of the independent, permanent neutral country at a high level. Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country Belent said that great attention is paid to improving the defense capabilities of the country and improving the living conditions of the defenders of the homeland and their family members. At the meeting of the State Security Council, several other issues were discussed and relevant decisions were taken. The President of Turkmenistan, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the country General Serdar Berdimuhamedov concluded the meeting and wished the participants good health and great success in their responsible services for the sake of the peaceful and happy life of the people.