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Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov got acquainted with the projects of facilities to be built in Arkadag


As we reported earlier, today the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan, Honorable Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov made a regular business visit to Arkadag. During the working visit, Herod Arkadag also got acquainted with the model projects of the facilities planned to be built in the second phase of the construction of the new city. D. Orazov, head of the Arkadag city construction committee under the President of Turkmenistan, and G. Mammedova, mayor of Arkadag city, reported on the current state of construction works in the new city, blueprints of planned cultural-life buildings, and plans for their locations. Among the projects shown are Arkadag City Shopping Center, a hotel building with unique decorative features, a modern leisure park, multi-storey apartment buildings with all amenities, a health resort, an information technology educational center, a business center, and an Agricultural University. Also here, Hryman Arkadak was shown the design of the "Health" park, which is planned to be built in the second phase of the construction of the new city, the types of gardens, flowers, the types of seats and trees that are planned to be planted in the park and the city, as well as the pictures of the mechanical carpet display system controlled by electronic devices. . The Chairman of the People's Council got acquainted with the blueprints of the facilities planned to be built, gave them some comments and made the appropriate amendments. Noting that the facilities to be built within the territory of the new city should be built in accordance with the requirements of the "smart" city concept, Gahryman Arkadag emphasized that when preparing the projects of the buildings for cultural and life purposes, decorative means should be used in their appearance, corresponding to the importance of the facilities. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the famous architect of Turkmenistan, said that the requirements of the modern urban development program should be taken into account when preparing the projects of new buildings and facilities. Hero Arkadag said that it would be advisable to rework some projects. In particular, it was said that important importance should be given to the external decoration of the buildings of the Agricultural University, and it is an important requirement that the classrooms and other facilities of the higher education school, and the experimental-agricultural departments should form a single harmony. The Chairman of the People's Council said that the garden and flowers to be planted in the park and on the roadsides of the new city should be studied on a scientific basis. It was said that due attention should be paid to the modernity of the decorations and other decorations.