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The National Leader of the Turkmen people, the Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan got acquainted with the model projects of the facilities planned to be built in the second phase of Arkadag city


On September 15, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan, Honorable Elder Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov paid a regular business visit to the city of Arkadag. Here, our Heroic Friend got acquainted with the model projects of the facilities planned to be built in the second stage of the city's construction and held a business meeting with the participation of the relevant leaders. Currently, the pace of the planned works in the second stage of the construction of the new city, which is the foundation from the beginning of our Hero Arkadag, is increasing. A comprehensive approach to the preparation of projects and construction works of cultural-life and industrial facilities being built in the city of Arkadag, located in a beautiful corner at the foothills of Kopetdag. In the morning, the Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan arrived in Arkadag, which was built on the basis of the concept of a "smart" city, combining modern advanced technologies and national architectural principles. These days, preparations for the celebration of our famous Independence Day, which is of great importance in the life of the country, have been carried out within the city. The positive results of cleaning and beautification works in the city of Arkadag can be seen more clearly in the lighted streets, parks, and adjacent areas of modern facilities. D. Orazov, head of the Arkadag State Committee for Construction under the President of Turkmenistan, and G. Mammedova, mayor of the city, reported on the current state of construction works, architectural projects of planned cultural and life buildings, and plans for their locations. Among the presented projects are Arkadag city shopping center, a hotel with unique decoration features, a modern recreation park, apartment buildings with all amenities, a health resort, a general education center on information technologies, a business center, and an Agricultural University. Also here, our Heroic Friend was shown the design of the health park planned to be built in the second phase of the construction of the new city, various gardens, flowers, seats and benches planned to be placed in the park, pictures of the mechanical carpet display system controlled by electronic devices. Our National Leader got acquainted with the drafts of the facilities, made some comments on them and made the appropriate amendments. Noting that the facilities within the boundaries of the new city must be built in accordance with the requirements of the "smart" city concept, our Heroic Archduke emphasized that when preparing the projects of buildings for cultural and life purposes, decorative means should be used in their appearance that correspond to the importance of the facilities. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the famous architect of Turkmenistan, said that the requirements of the modern urban development program should be taken into account when preparing the projects of new buildings and facilities. It is an important requirement to ensure high-quality construction of buildings, to take into account the natural features and ecological situation of this area. Speaking about this, our honorable friend said that it would be advisable to rework some projects. Special importance should be given to the external decoration of the buildings of the Agricultural University. It was determined as an important requirement that the classrooms, other facilities, and experimental-agricultural departments of the higher education school form a single harmony. The National Leader of the Turkmen people said that the gardens and flowers to be planted in the park and roadsides of the new city should be studied on a scientific basis. Due attention should be paid to the modernity of ornaments and other decorative means. Our Heroic Friend instructed that beautiful carpets should be used harmoniously with decorative materials inside the buildings. Our scientist friend said that the use of the mechanical carpet display electronic device, which is planned to be introduced within the territory of the new city, should be approached on a comprehensive basis, as well as the active use of digital technologies and innovative methods. Information about Turkmen carpets, which have gained international fame, should be expressed in world languages. It is important that it is clear to many visitors to our country. Then the Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held a business meeting in the presence of D. Orazov, the head of the state committee for the construction of Arkadag under the President of Turkmenistan, and G. Mammedova, the mayor of Arkadag. D. Orazov reported on the status of the construction works in the second stage of construction of Arkadag city and the efforts to increase the speed of construction works. As mentioned, meetings were held in the framework of the investment forum of Turkmenistan, the international conference on attracting high technologies and innovations to the economy of the country, where issues related to the further development of Arkadag city, directions of attracting investment funds were discussed. Our heroic friend instructed to speed up the construction of the second phase of the new city and to ensure that the buildings are put into use within the specified time. At the same time, the ongoing work on attracting investment funds for the construction of the city's industrial facilities, medical cluster buildings, and their equipment should be effectively continued. Emphasizing that the new city should meet modern requirements in all aspects, our National Leader said that advanced practices should be used in the work being carried out in this area, attention should be paid to the durability and long-term durability of construction materials, and he gave several instructions in this regard. It is an important requirement to combine national architectural principles with world's advanced construction experience in the second stage of the "smart" city built on the basis of the use of modern technologies and digital system capabilities. The Mayor of Arkadag G. Mammedova reported on the preparations for the celebration of significant dates along with the relocation of residents to modern residential buildings. As mentioned, a cultural program of events to be held in honor of important dates in our national calendar has been prepared. Accordingly, cultural and public events organized in honor of significant dates will cover all parts of Arkadag city. Our heroic friend said that the cultural events to be held on the occasion of the next meeting of the People's Council of Turkmenistan, the Independence Day, the Day of Healthcare and Medical Industry Workers, and the International Neutrality Day should be organized in the spirit of today. In particular, during the days of preparation for the important days, the appropriate cleaning and beautification works should be carried out regularly within the city. In this regard, the work of public sector institutions should be organized smoothly. Based on Arkadag's status as a "city of youth", the youth of the new city should be educated in the spirit of patriotism and loyalty to national traditions. Emphasizing the need to firmly introduce the good customs created by the Turkmen people throughout the history to the minds of the youth, our scientist friend emphasized the importance of regular joint propaganda activities of the elders along with the educational staff in this work. Our leader emphasized that the improvement and enrichment of digital technologies implemented in the new city should be approached on an integrated basis. At the same time, due attention should be paid to the introduction of modern technologies and mastering of modern methods to the newly constructed buildings of the city. Our hero Arkadag said that the reputation of the city in the international space is still growing, he noted that the city of Arkadag won special awards in three fields at the international exhibition "World Smart City Expo" held in the Republic of Korea, and gave instructions on the activation of international cooperation in this field. The Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan noted that the appropriate implementation of the tasks defined in the "Program of the President of Turkmenistan's socio-economic development in 2022-2028" provides positive conditions for changing the image of cities and improving the standard of living of the people. Our Heroic Friend left this place wishing everyone success in their endeavors in fulfilling the tasks set before them.