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  • deryayollary@sanly.tm
President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov's speech at the sixth consultative meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia


Dear Heads of State! Dear delegation members! First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the Honorable President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Kemelevich Tokayev for the hospitality shown and the organization of the meeting at a high level. Our annual meetings have become a tradition and, as experience has shown, are always important and urgent. During these meetings, an effective, open and reliable dialogue is conducted. This helps us to exchange ideas, to better understand the urgent issues of cooperation and to adopt specific solutions based on this. Turkmenistan, which took the initiative to create this format of high-level meetings, is guided by the fact that they should have only a consultative nature, and should be an area free from strict regulatory rules and procedures for political relations. Such an approach allows us to get a more comprehensive and correct understanding of the progress of our cooperation, to make suggestions and corrections, and to express our opinions. I believe that the original content and purpose of the consultative meetings should be preserved. In our opinion, it is not advisable to create any multilateral structures within their borders. We understand each other very well, each meeting ends with a clear summary document and we work on that basis. From a political, as well as business point of view, we believe that there is no need to create additional structures within this format. In our opinion, the participation of only the Heads of State of Central Asia in the consultative meetings is another important part of them. This is conditioned by the fact that our five-way political dialogue primarily concerns regional issues. Of course, issues on the international agenda have always been and remain important to us in terms of discussing them and developing coordinated views of the five countries on regional, climate and global issues. Such an approach will ensure the high efficiency of the joint work, allowing us to focus only on the issues of cooperation related to the five countries of Central Asia. Dear Heads of State! Given the complex situation in the world today, the preservation of peace, harmony, and stability should remain a top priority for Central Asian countries. We aim to transform our region into a thriving region deeply integrated into modern global affairs while preserving our uniqueness, autonomy and right to choose our internal and external development models. I firmly believe that only under such conditions our states and peoples will secure the future they deserve. The exposure of our region to external influences, in particular, to conflict situations, should not be allowed to create grounds for doubting the independence of Central Asia as a geopolitical, economic, and cultural space with a history spanning millennia. Our peoples have their own agenda and they are peace, good neighborliness, brotherhood and cooperation. Border stability and peace are a prerequisite for ensuring security in the region. I mean, first of all, our cooperation in the field of Afghanistan. Respecting the specific views of each of our countries, we must use the opportunities that are opening up and the signs of stability in the country to develop a common positive and fruitful relationship with the Afghan government acting as a neighbor of Afghanistan. In our opinion, the interests, dreams and aspirations of the Afghan people should be prioritized for creative national work and peaceful pursuit of economic and social restoration. Central Asian countries play a key role in this process. Only in cooperation with us, Afghanistan's participation in international economic relations, implementation of infrastructure and logistics projects can be possible. We are connected with Afghanistan by historical, spiritual and kinship ties. It is our shared duty and responsibility to use these relationships to help create a new, peaceful, stable Afghanistan. Coordinated actions of the Central Asian states in political-diplomatic, law enforcement and special systems is another important aspect of stability in the region. Turkmenistan advocates for the activation of the work of foreign policy agencies on countering new threats, instability in the region, protecting the information space, and developing coordinated approaches to preventing and eliminating attempts by radical, extremist elements to intervene in the region. We consider it important to create conditions for our border, migration, customs and special services to work closely and harmoniously. Of course, achieving economic development through close and mutually beneficial cooperation remains a priority on the regional agenda. In this regard, the main role belongs to the relations in the transport and communication sector. Today, this system is developing dynamically, competition is increasing, work is underway to create new transit corridors in Eurasia. In my opinion, it should be the common task of the Central Asian states in the nearest future to ensure timely and effective participation of our region in these activities by using geographical, logistical and other advantages. I firmly believe that we have all the opportunities to be part of the East-West and North-South sustainable economic cooperation. As for the transport network, I would like to highlight the routes from China to Europe and the Middle East through Central Asia. It is about China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Turkey and other European countries, as well as China-Tajikistan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Iran and other Middle East routes. We attach great importance to cargo transportation along the China-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran-Persian Gulf route. In this regard, we believe that the integration of financial, economic and transport power of Central Asia, India and Pakistan will open wide opportunities. It should be emphasized that there is a great opportunity for Central Asian countries to cooperate with Afghanistan in the transport sector. Currently, our countries are doing a lot to expand the transport and communication infrastructure in the direction of Afghanistan. The Central Asia-Caspian-Black Sea passage is another important combined water-land route. I firmly believe that by combining our strengths, we will be able to implement large-scale transport projects in this area. Of course, the strengthening of transport links between Asia and Europe implies the creation of modern logistics within our countries, the harmonization of laws, the provision of mutual customs, tariff and other benefits. There is much work to be done in this area. We propose to implement the aforementioned tasks in the near future. Dear conference participants! In today's conditions, the role of our countries in international energy cooperation, in meeting the energy needs of our countries, is increasing. It is a strategic goal to meet the growing needs of the Central Asian states for energy resources, taking into account the existing and soon to be created new industrial and agricultural capacities, infrastructure facilities, and the implementation of joint production projects. Such a system should protect our countries from possible negative situations in the world energy market, reduce their impact, and create the necessary reserve of national energy systems in unexpected situations of man-made and natural nature. We have repeatedly said that Turkmenistan is ready to work together with Central Asian countries in the energy sector. Important issues such as trade expansion, industrial integration, and cooperation in the field of small and medium enterprises should not be neglected. Based on joint positive experience, good neighborly traditions, our countries are able to increase mutual trade turnover, create and actively use new areas of cooperation between business entities, encourage joint investments aimed at projects within the borders of our countries, develop border trade. Dear Heads of State! I would like to inform you that on October 11 of this year, an international conference dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of Magtymguly Pyragy will be held in Turkmenistan entitled "Interconnection of eras and cultures - the foundation of the modern world and development". Magtymguly is the great son of the Turkmen people, but his philosophical and poetic heritage belongs to the whole East, the whole world in general, and especially the peoples of Central Asia, who are our neighbors. By inviting the Heads of many countries to participate in the meeting, we will not only use this event as a tribute to Magtymkul, but as a very important and timely international dialogue based on broad and mutual respect, the fate of the world, the global political, socio-cultural, We consider it as an effective forum for expressing positive, creative approaches and views on the state of geo-economic and humanitarian relations, their trends and future possibilities. Today, such a dialogue is in particular demand. We attach great importance to the thorough and comprehensive expression of the views of the brotherly states of Central Asia in that consultation, to their listening and understanding of those views. Dear Heads of State, I would like to take this opportunity to cordially invite you to the upcoming international conference! I hope you will actively participate in it.