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Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan


On July 5, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov held a regular meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on a digital system, where current issues of the country's life were considered. The first to speak was the Chairman of the Mejlis D. Gulmanova, who informed about the legislative work being carried out. As reported, draft laws are currently being prepared aimed at improving civil-legal relations, bringing the budget system into line with the realities of the time, as well as work carried out in the field of sports in accordance with the provisions of the World Anti-Doping Code. Along with this, draft legal acts are being developed aimed at introducing a digital system into the activities of the Pension Fund, modernizing the work of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, regulating the participation of people with various disability groups in international competitions, creating broad opportunities for young scientists to engage in science. In addition, amendments and additions are being made to the laws on advocacy and advocacy, civil status acts, and seed production. The credentials of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Nicaragua to our country were received. During the meeting with the UN international expert, an overview of the work carried out within the framework of the "Framework Program for Cooperation in the Field of Sustainable Development between Turkmenistan and the United Nations for 2021-2025" was given. Deputies of the Mejlis took part in events organized by the relevant state institutions of the country together with the UN Children's Fund and the OSCE. In addition, national parliamentarians went on official trips to Tashkent (Republic of Uzbekistan), Minsk (Republic of Belarus), Vienna (Republic of Austria), and became delegates to the 31st annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, which was held in Bucharest (Romania). At the same time, information was provided about the participation of elected representatives in events to explain to the general public the main aspects of the state policy of the independent Fatherland, the historical and socio-political significance of the year “The Treasure of Reason of Magtymguly Fragi”, as well as the goals of the adopted legislative acts. Summarizing the information, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that special attention should be paid to the development of new bills that correspond to modern realities. Emphasis was placed on the need for a radical improvement of the activities carried out in this area. Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers H. Geldimyradov reported on the ongoing work aimed at the widespread use of the digital system in the sectors of the economy, improving the quality of banking services through the use of innovative technologies. As reported, the “Program of the President of Turkmenistan for the socio-economic development of the country for 2019–2025” defines the adoption of measures to increase the volume of loans issued based on online applications and improve credit operations in real time. In this regard, the Deputy Prime Minister reported on the capabilities and advantages of the Digital Credit system designed for individuals, developed by the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank of Turkmenistan "Halkbank". This service provides for remote customer service via the Internet, including the creation of benefits using the digital system in the processing of loans for citizens by banks. Having heard the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted with satisfaction that the digital system is currently being widely implemented in all sectors of the economy, close attention is being paid to improving the quality of banking services and expanding their range. Having approved the submitted proposal to introduce the Digital Credit system of the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank of Turkmenistan "Halkbank" intended for individuals, the head of Turkmenistan instructed the Deputy Prime Minister to carry out the necessary work in this direction. Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Amanov reported on the measures taken by the State Concern "Türkmengaz" for the widespread introduction of a digital system into the gas supply structure. As reported, in order to successfully implement the tasks planned in accordance with the "State Program for the Development of the Digital Economy in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025", the country is taking the necessary measures to introduce new technologies, in particular, work is underway to install "smart" gas meters in households consuming natural gas. After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of installing modern gas meters that allow for the safe and reliable supply of natural and liquefied gas to the population and businesses. The introduction of advanced technologies at gas supply facilities will allow for greater control over the consumption of natural gas, the head of state noted, instructing the Deputy Prime Minister to continue work in this direction. Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atakhalliyev reported on the state of affairs in the agro-industrial sector, in particular, on the progress of seasonal agricultural campaigns in the regions of the country. As reported, the grain harvesting season continues at an intensive pace in the velayats, and appropriate work is being carried out to ensure the proper storage of harvested grain, its transportation to receiving points, warehouses and elevators. In order to lay the foundations for the 2025 wheat harvest, plowing is currently underway in the fields cleared after mowing, as well as preparation of agricultural machinery and seeds for sowing. On agricultural lands sown with cotton, care is carried out, in particular, inter-row cultivation, fertilization with mineral fertilizers and irrigation. Every effort is being made to strengthen food abundance in the country. In Dashoguz and Lebap velayats, rice crops are being tended, and in Mary velayat, sugar beets are being planted and the emerging shoots of this crop are being watered. Having heard the report and noted the importance of continuing the comprehensive development of the country's agricultural sector, the President of Turkmenistan instructed to keep under review the issues of organizing the mowing in the velayats and transporting the harvested crop to receiving points. In this regard, the head of state emphasized the need to use agricultural machinery at full capacity. Speaking about the laying of the wheat harvest next year and preparation of land for sowing, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov ordered that all relevant work be carried out in a timely manner. In addition, the head of state drew attention to the importance of strict adherence to agricultural standards when caring for cotton, as well as taking appropriate measures to grow a rich harvest of other seasonal agricultural crops, and gave the Deputy Prime Minister a number of specific instructions on this matter. Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Annamamedov reported on the steps being taken to strengthen the material and technical base and infrastructure of the domestic chemical industry. As noted, the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa is carrying out relevant work to supply domestic consumers with chemical products, in particular, liquid chlorine, which is used in the chemical and oil and gas industries. In order to properly store this toxic substance, taking into account the requirements for warehouse facilities, it is proposed to reconstruct and modernize the Dzhebel cargo storage department of the Balkanabat iodine plant. After hearing the report, the head of state emphasized the great importance of organizing coordinated work to supply the country's domestic consumers with essential chemical products. In this regard, the Deputy Prime Minister was instructed to carry out relevant work to justify the proposal for the reconstruction and modernization of the Jebel cargo warehouse of the Balkanabat iodine plant of the Türkmenhimiýa State Concern. Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Atdayev reported on the activities carried out to expand mutually beneficial trade and economic relations with neighboring states. It was reported that consistent work is being carried out in accordance with the Declaration on Deepening the Strategic Partnership between Turkmenistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan, adopted on October 21, 2022. In this regard, a corresponding proposal was submitted to the head of state for consideration. After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the Republic of Uzbekistan is one of the closest neighboring partner countries and pointed out the need to continue efforts to further develop cooperation with neighboring states. Having approved the proposal presented by the Deputy Prime Minister in this direction, the head of state ordered that appropriate measures be taken to expand mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation. Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mammedova reported on the draft Resolution on holding Culture Week in the Ahal velayat next year. As noted, according to the established good tradition, this creative event is annually organized on the occasion of the Day of Culture and Art Workers, as well as the poetry of Makhtumkuli Fragi. This year, the Culture Week was held in the city of Arkadag. Within its framework, various events were held aimed at the wide popularization of the national cultural heritage. Continuing with the report, the Deputy Prime Minister presented to the head of Turkmenistan for consideration a draft of the relevant document on holding a cultural forum in the Ahal velayat in 2025. After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted that the consistent development of the cultural sphere is an important task. In this regard, much attention is paid to improving Turkmen culture and art in accordance with the requirements of the time. Having signed the Resolution “On holding the Week of Culture in the Ahal Velayat” in order to organize an annual creative forum as a holiday of Turkmen culture, art and literature, the head of Turkmenistan sent the document to the Deputy Prime Minister for the digital system, addressing a number of specific instructions. Then Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers N. Amannepesov reported on the draft Resolution “On approval of the Procedure for the development, implementation and financing of State scientific and technical programs.” In the era of the Renaissance of a new era of a powerful state in Turkmenistan, the scientific system is constantly being improved, with particular importance being given to the creation of a solid foundation for the current and future development of the national economy. A reliable legal framework is currently being formed. In order to improve the regulation of relations related to the development and financing of programs, the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan has prepared a draft of a corresponding document designed to promote the improvement of the effectiveness of state scientific and technical policy in priority areas of scientific, scientific and technical and innovation activities, the introduction of advanced developments, methods and technologies into production, as well as the latest achievements of science and technology. Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of financing and monitoring the implementation of scientific and technical programs in the country. Having signed the relevant Resolution, the head of state sent it to the Deputy Prime Minister for Digital Communications, giving a number of specific instructions regarding further measures to accelerate the introduction of new technologies and innovative developments into production. Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported on the work being carried out to develop cooperation between Turkmenistan and the countries of Eastern Europe. As noted, building up mutually beneficial partnerships with the states of the European region is one of the priority areas of the Fatherland's foreign policy. In this regard, steps are being taken to strengthen relations with the countries of Eastern Europe that are members of the European Union, including the Republic of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Romania and the Slovak Republic. In this context, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has prepared a number of relevant proposals. Thus, in order to expand Turkmen-Polish relations, inter-MFA political consultations were held in Warsaw on June 17 this year. During the meeting, an exchange of views took place on current issues of cooperation in various fields. A Cooperation Program between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and Poland for 2025-2026 was also signed. During the negotiations, the Polish side, in order to intensify interstate relations, asked for a positive decision on the issue of opening a Consular office or point of Turkmenistan in Warsaw. For its detailed study, it is proposed to send representatives of the relevant state structures of our country on a working visit to the capital of Poland in the fourth quarter of this year. The issue of creating a bilateral Working Group on Economic Cooperation was also discussed. At present, appropriate work is being carried out in this direction with the Polish side. Along with this, an exchange of views took place on the prospects for cooperation in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, including the establishment of contacts through museums. In this regard, it is proposed to organize an exhibition of museum exhibits of our country in Warsaw in 2025, including artifacts related to Polish culture. On behalf of Poland, gratitude was expressed to Turkmenistan for the installation of a monument to the famous Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz in the Magtymguly Pyragy cultural and park complex, opened on May 17 in Ashgabat. Friendly, mutually beneficial relations also link Turkmenistan and Hungary. In this regard, first of all, mutual visits at the highest level should be noted. As is known, in June 2023, Prime Minister Viktor Orban visited our country, and in August of the same year, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov visited Hungary. To discuss issues of further development of multifaceted cooperation and practical implementation of the agreements reached, inter-MFA political consultations were held in Budapest on June 18 this year. As part of the visit of the delegation of Turkmenistan, a meeting was also organized with the Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly of Hungary. In order to strengthen the fruitful Turkmen-Hungarian dialogue, it is proposed to hold the 6th meeting of the joint Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation in the first half of 2025. It was also noted that at the invitation of the Hungarian side, the delegation of Turkmenistan will take part in the cultural event "Kurultai" on August 7-11 this year. As part of this visit, it is proposed to hold the Days of Culture of our country in Hungary and organize a celebration associated with the opening of the bust of Makhtumkuli Fragi. Hungary also expressed gratitude to Turkmenistan for installing a sculpture of the famous Hungarian poet Sandor Petofi in the Magtymguly Pyragy cultural and park complex. In the context of cooperation in the educational sphere, the possibilities of further cooperation within the framework of the Stipendium Hungarikum Programme were considered. The development of multi-vector partnership between Turkmenistan and the Czech Republic was on the agenda of bilateral inter-MFA political consultations held on June 20 this year in Prague. As part of the visit, the Turkmen delegation also met with the Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Following the negotiations, a number of proposals were prepared, including the development of a Memorandum or Cooperation Program between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries, the creation of a Working Group on Economic Cooperation, and the organization of visits to our country by Czech delegations this year and in 2025. One of Turkmenistan's key partners in the European Union is Romania. Since 2008, five visits and high-level meetings have taken place between the two countries. Contacts are carried out systematically through the Foreign Ministry. The Intergovernmental Turkmen-Romanian Commission on Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation operates, and special Working Groups on interaction in the energy and transport sectors regularly meet. Humanitarian ties, including in the field of education, are developing dynamically. In order to further strengthen interstate relations, it is proposed to hold political consultations between the Foreign Ministries of the two countries in Bucharest on July 17-18 of this year, and also to carry out the necessary work in the second half of this year to organize the next, 8th meeting of the joint Intergovernmental Commission in Bucharest. In addition, a proposal was made to organize a high-level visit to Romania in 2025. Consistent steps are being taken to develop cooperation between our country and the Slovak Republic. In order to take the interstate dialogue to a new level, in order to intensify political and diplomatic relations, it is proposed to hold bilateral inter-MFA consultations in Bratislava on July 16-17 of this year. Taking into account that the visit of the delegation of Turkmenistan includes a meeting with the head of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovakia, and taking into account the interest of Slovak companies in establishing effective business cooperation with Turkmen partners, it was proposed to organize a visit to our country by representatives of the business circles of a friendly state in the fourth quarter of this year. In addition, it is proposed to complete work on preparing the draft Intergovernmental Agreement on Economic Cooperation during 2024 and, in accordance with this, to hold a meeting of the Intergovernmental Turkmen-Slovak Commission in Bratislava in the first half of 2025. Summarizing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that Turkmenistan, based on the policy of neutrality, maintains friendly and fraternal relations with countries of the world, including European countries, and seeks to develop mutually beneficial partnership in priority areas. In this regard, the Deputy Prime Minister and the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were instructed to continue the relevant work to strengthen cooperation with European countries. Next, the Director General of the Agency for Transport and Communications under the Cabinet of Ministers M. Chakyev reported on the measures being taken to modernize the shipbuilding and ship repair industry. It was noted that within the framework of the socio-economic reforms carried out in the year of “The Treasure of the Mind of Magtymguly Fragi”, state programs for the diversification of the economy, the development of industry and the production of analogues of imported goods are being successfully implemented. In this regard, it was reported that the possibilities of using local raw materials in production, including in ship repairs, and their export are being studied. After hearing the report, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that ship repair production is being improved in the country along with shipbuilding. Having approved the proposal submitted by the head of the Agency on the use of local raw materials, the head of state ordered work to be carried out in this direction. The meeting also considered a number of other issues of state life, on which appropriate decisions were made. Concluding the next meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on the digital system, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wished its participants good health, family well-being and great success in their work for the prosperity of the sovereign Fatherland.