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Speech by the Prime Minister of Turkmenistan at the meeting with the UN delegation led by Secretary General Antonio Guterres


As we reported earlier, a meeting of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, who was visiting Turkmenistan, took place at the "Arkadag" hotel in Ashgabat. After two limited talks, the meeting continued in an extended format with the participation of delegations. Here, the National Leader of the Turkmen people, the Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, made a profound speech. The speech of the Prime Minister of the People's Conference was published in today's issue of the "Turkmenistan" newspaper: Dear Mr. Secretary General! I congratulate you and the members of your delegation and thank you for accepting the invitation to visit Turkmenistan. I remember our previous meetings with you with fond feelings. During them we discussed and discussed important issues. I would like to emphasize that such relations have always been productive and mutually respectful. During this dialogue, the main directions of the long-term cooperation strategy of Turkmenistan and the UN were determined, and the tools for its implementation were developed and improved. I would like to emphasize that the approaches of Turkmenistan have received support and approval from your side. We consider you a friend of our country, a colleague in solving important issues of the modern global agenda. In today's challenging environment, you show yourself to be a master of your craft, dedicated to serving the great ideals and values ​​of the United Nations in the important role of Secretary-General. With your initiative and under your leadership, important steps have been taken to increase the effectiveness of the work of the United Nations and to improve its role in solving the urgent problems of today. We appreciate your work and believe that the direction you have chosen is in line with today's reality and the requirements for further improvement of the organization's work. You can always count on the help and support of Turkmenistan. Dear Mr. Secretary General! We regard your current visit as a significant event in the history of relations between Turkmenistan and the United Nations. We believe that the results of the visit will allow us to further strengthen our cooperation, give it a new impetus, and improve it in accordance with the requirements of today's times. In general, it should be noted with satisfaction that the cooperation between Turkmenistan and the United Nations has been developed very actively and effectively recently. Today, this cooperation includes important areas such as long-term stability, security, socio-economic development, improvement of democratic institutions, and environmental protection. Relations with UN specialized agencies working in Turkmenistan and implementing important projects and programs in various sectors are successfully developed. We welcome such cooperation and are grateful for the organization's support to our country. Effective nature of cooperation is largely conditioned by mutual understanding of the strategic goals of Turkmenistan and the United Nations, closeness of views based on peace, justice, development, respect for the rights of states and peoples as the foundation of international relations. Accordingly, close multifaceted cooperation with the United Nations remains a priority strategic direction of Turkmenistan. The UN is the only organization that has universal support and official recognition for us. We consider this structure as a pillar of global cooperation, a guarantee of world peace, balance of interests and security. We firmly believe that the principles of the UN Charter should remain the legal and moral foundation of international relations in the current situation of tensions in various regions of the world. In these conditions, the issue of providing comprehensive, reliable and long-term security is of utmost importance. The United Nations has a key role to play in preserving the foundations of a sustainable world structure. Turkmenistan advocates for the strengthening of the role of the organization in ensuring general and stable security and carries out specific activities in this regard. In our opinion, one of the main pillars for this is the creation of a new international legal mechanism that, on the one hand, meets the conditions of today, and on the other hand preserves the principles of the UN Charter and the main international legal documents. In this regard, I would like to draw your attention to the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan on the development of the national security strategy at the 78th session of the General Assembly in September of last year. This proposal stems from the need to develop a coherent approach to security as a set of measures of global importance. Such a mechanism should include political, economic, social, energy, transportation, ecological and humanitarian aspects, peacebuilding, preventive diplomacy tools, and the use of neutrality practice in conflict resolution. Being willing and able to engage in effective, equal, and mutually respectful dialogue, the revival of a strategic culture in modern politics forms the outlook of the above-mentioned strategy. I firmly believe that such dialogue is the only true dialogue. We hope that you will support Turkmenistan's initiative to create a national security strategy, which will be approved by the Security Council and the General Assembly. Dear Mr. Secretary General! Your visit to Turkmenistan provides an opportunity to discuss the progress of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda. First of all, I would like to point out that Turkmenistan fully supports this agenda and immediately began to implement regular and specific measures to implement the Sustainable Development Goals at the national level. Currently, the main directions of the NDP, as well as their respective functions, indicators, have been integrated into the National Program of Social and Economic Development of Turkmenistan in 2022-2052 and other conceptual documents. The introduction of sustainable development goals into the economic part of the program is aimed at providing the population with affordable, reliable and modern energy, sustainable economic development, full employment of citizens, creation of versatile infrastructure, industrialization of the national economy, and support for innovation. Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Turkmenistan is life-oriented. It is about such important areas as ensuring food security and improving the quality of food for the population, strengthening healthy lifestyles, ensuring gender equality by guaranteeing rights and opportunities for all women, and creating conditions for everyone to receive quality education. By trying to implement national plans in various sectors of the economy, Turkmenistan takes a responsible approach to their compliance with the ecological aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals. In this regard, the effective introduction of modern methods that allow to reduce the negative effects on the environment in the construction of production, industry and social infrastructure is a priority for us. Turkmenistan supports the efforts of the international community to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the environment, and in the industry, oil and gas, energy and transport sectors, which generate the majority of these emissions, is using ecologically clean and resource-saving modern technologies. We believe it is important to ensure adequate financing of global programs and strategies in the field of sustainable development. In this regard, we emphasize that it is expedient to hold a regular international conference on development financing in order to speed up the implementation of the Addis Ababa Program of Actions to coordinate funds and mobilize funds to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. We support the further strengthening of the coordinating role of the UN General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council in monitoring the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and the regular holding of high-level political forums on sustainable development. Dear Mr. Secretary General! Within the framework of the strategic dialogue with the United Nations, we attach great importance to effective relations with UNESCO. Together with this organization, Turkmenistan implements a whole range of programs and projects in the field of science and education, protection of historical and cultural monuments of the country. Historical and architectural monuments of Turkmenistan - the UNESCO World Heritage of Ancient Merv, Könyurgenj and Parthian Nisa fortresses, the "Gorogly" sculpture art of the Turkmen people, the "Kushtepdi" song and dance tradition, the Turkmen national carpet art, the art of tutar making, tutar music playing and barbarism. The inclusion of this organization's art in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity is an important result of many years of joint work. In general, based on the presentation of Turkmenistan, 9 intangible cultural values ​​have been included in the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Among them are the Turkmen art of embroidery, the traditions of silk production in silk weaving and weaving, the tradition of reciting the short words of Mullah Ependi, the Akhalteke equestrian art and the traditions of decorating horses. Currently, more than 1,500 historical and cultural monuments have been discovered and registered on the territory of Turkmenistan. The 300th anniversary of the birth of the great Turkmen poet, Eastern thinker and philosopher Magtymguly Pyragy, which is being celebrated this year, has become an event of world significance. The collection of the poet's manuscripts was included in the international list of UNESCO's "History of the World" program, and the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly's birth was included in the list of significant dates marked by UNESCO in 2024-2025. Also, at the meeting of the Permanent Council of the International Organization of Turkish Culture (TURKSOY), this year was declared "the year of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great poet and thinker of the Turkic world". Dear Mr. Secretary General! Next year will be full of remarkable events in all aspects. As it is known, on the basis of the initiative of Turkmenistan, 2025 was declared as the "Year of International Peace and Trust". This important resolution, which was unanimously supported by the General Assembly, was ratified by the corresponding Resolution. This initiative of Turkmenistan is a direct call to all the countries of the world to feel their responsibility towards the fate of humanity, to eliminate the growing conflicts and inconsistencies, to analyze the current situation, to look at it from the perspective of history and the future. Our call must be heard! Because the philosophy of peace and trust is primarily of universal importance. He is always in demand and has a positive attitude. It meets real, not short-term, requirements of global development and well-being. In this sense, the International Year of Peace and Confidence reflects the broad worldview and humanitarian principles that form its core, and realizes their main goals. In this regard, we consider it a universal task to turn the International Year of Peace and Trust into a powerful creative tool that promotes cooperation, mutual understanding, brings closer views, confirms the peace agenda, and creates positive trends for the long-term future. Turkmenistan will make every effort to implement the tasks provided for in the relevant Resolution of the General Assembly. He will contribute to it with his own peaceful creative abilities and experience. I suggest that you consider your visit as the beginning of the joint work planned for the International Year of Peace and Reconciliation. I believe that this visit will have a positive character, and positive results will be achieved for the benefit of the peoples of the whole world, prosperity and development. Dear Mr. Secretary General! I believe that the International Year of Peace and Trust coincides with the 30th anniversary of the recognition of Turkmenistan's permanent neutrality by the world community has a deep political meaning. We are proud that our goal of becoming a neutral state has become a reality within the United Nations and has been recognized by all members of the world community. It should be noted that Turkmenistan views its neutrality as a condition for wide, effective international cooperation, regulation and resolution of existing problems and conflicts through peace, political-diplomatic instruments and negotiations. We have the right to say that our legal status of neutrality is aimed at global development and prosperity, the implementation of UN strategic guidelines and program tasks. In this regard, two dates are inextricably linked for Turkmenistan - the 30th anniversary of its neutrality and the 80th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. Commitment to peace, good neighborliness, cooperation, mutual understanding, and respect for international law, which are the basic principles of neutrality, are the expression of the spirit and content of the UN Charter. These principles, in our opinion, become an important requirement of the current structure of the world, an invariable and basic condition for its continuous, creative development and peaceful future. Dear Mr. Secretary General! We respectfully invite you to participate in the celebrations to be held in Ashgabat next December in honor of the 30th anniversary of Turkmenistan's neutrality. We will celebrate this holiday together with the entire international community, many friends, partners and thinkers of Turkmenistan. Your participation in it will be a great honor for our country and the Turkmen people. In conclusion, I would like to thank you once again for your visit, your attention and your personal contribution to the development of cooperation with Turkmenistan. We value such an approach and are always ready to work together with you to realize common goals and objectives.