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A letter addressed to the National Leader of the Turkmen people


His Majesty, National Leader of the Turkmen people Chairman of the People's Council of Turkmenistan Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Your Highness! I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you and to the Government and people of Turkmenistan for the hospitality shown to me and the delegation with me during my recent visit to your country. Turkmenistan's initiatives to promote the culture of peace, trust, and diplomacy are highly appreciated. I also support the country's proposals to expand transport and energy connectivity in Central Asia beyond its borders, and strengthen regional cooperation to combat the negative effects of climate change. It is worth paying special attention to the fact that Turkmenistan aims to significantly reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, including methane. I was deeply impressed by Your Highness's high appreciation of the contribution of the United Nations to the improvement of the life protection system in Turkmenistan through the provision of public health services. I urge the Government of Turkmenistan to consider expanding this program. Allow me to thank you for your continued support and cooperation with the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia and the UN Country Team! I am deeply pleased that the office of the organization has been given an additional building in Ashgabat. I was very happy that the young ambassadors of the Sustainable Development Goals attended the opening ceremony of this building. Allow me to once again express my deep gratitude for the warm welcome I received during my visit to Ashgabat! I believe that relations between the United Nations Organization and Turkmenistan will be further deepened and strengthened, and I look forward to the fact that Turkmenistan will play an important role in the Future Summit in New York this September. Please accept my assurances of high regard for Your Highness! Best wishes, Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations.